
How to Calculate Uptime

Learn how to calculate uptime easily. Our guide provides simple steps to measure system reliability and ensure optimal performance. Boost your website's availability now!

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About 5xx response status code

Unlock the secrets of 5xx server error status codes with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to diagnose and fix common issues like 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, and others to enhance website performance and reliability.

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4xx Status Code Meanings and Roles

Explore the meanings and roles of 4xx HTTP status codes, which signal client errors. This article covers common codes like 404 and 403, detailing how they guide website-user interactions and troubleshooting.

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Meaning of HTTP 300 status code group

Delve into the 3xx HTTP response status codes, covering their role in URL redirection, their significance in website performance and SEO, and an overview of common codes like 301 (Permanent Redirect) and 302 (Temporary Redirect).

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Web Status Code 2xx Group Explained

2xx status codes mean the request was successfully processed. These codes indicate successful actions, ranging from 200 (OK) to 206 (Partial Content), confirming effective communication between client and server.

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What http 1xx status codes mean?

1xx status codes indicate informational messages about the ongoing operation, often related to slow loading or procedural issues. These messages are not visible to the end user and do not signify any critical errors.

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What HTTP status code message means?

Learn more about web response codes, also known as HTTP codes, to identify problems with user requests to the server.

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Versatile usage of domain WHOIS lookup tool

On HostTracker, you can manually conduct basic whois URL checks without registration. All tools on our platform are beginner-friendly and easy to use.

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Essential Gadgets for the Business Meeting

Continue reading to uncover all the essential information for hosting a memorable conference that truly connects with your attendees.

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How to find where a website is hosted

Whether you are a competitor analyzing industry websites, an individual concerned with security, or someone looking to switch hosting providers, 'How to Find Where a Website is Hosted' is the article for you.

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Recheck strategies to confirm site newly obtained status

HostTracker monitoring system checks sites according to given policy in monitoring configuration. The detected status, UP or DOWN, could be local or temporal, and, therefore, is the subject for verification and confirmation before the next action, an alert or uptime statistics update, takes place. 

Examples of errors such as downtime due to new deployment and configuration propagation (DNS unavailability), local site blacklistting, incompatible environment of checking agent to server technologies, are verified with rechecks from locations of configured geo location.

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What is server monitoring?

A server monitoring service provides constant surveillance of your website to check server uptime and performance.

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What is uptime?

Uptime is a computer measure of system reliability during which a computer or system is operational and has metric as the percentage of time.

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How to check if a website is down

Learn how to check if a website is down and what tools to use. Why is it better to automate this process? Practical tips for configuring the toolkit.

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What is WHOIS

WHOIS is a database and tool to find out who owns the domain name you want or are looking for, how to contact the owner, and when the ownership expires.

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How to check website speed

If you're looking for a website speed test tool, you've come to the right place. Here you will learn how HostTracker tools work. How to check the site loading speed: desktop version and mobile version of the site.

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What is DNS Blacklist

Find out what the DNS blacklist is, how it works. Check your domain or SMTP for availability at DNSBL. Get tips on how to remove your project from the spam database, as well as tips on how to avoid getting blacklisted.

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Website content check

Is your site intact, do your customers see all the information you might want them to? There is a way to automatically check the content of the page, particular words, phrases or even more complicated entities. This helps to make sure that the website is not only available, but works exactly as planned.

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Basic Website Check

Basic website check uses HTTP web protocol, which is actually used by anyweone browsing the web. This kind of check allows one to create a monitoring task, to check a website on a regular basis just as a human customer would do. Although the web nowadays is pretty complicated - and so possibly could be a monitoring task - general features are pretty simple to set up.

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Find out how to check my ping and the best way to check ping speed

Learn in detail what ping is, what it affects, and how to perform a ping test. What tools does HostTracker offer and why are they the best solution? Get detailed instructions on how to set up IP ping tet or server ping test, etc.

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Page speed check: a comprehensive test of your site

You can run it any time from HostTracker main page for free - and it really helps to see how your website performs from different countries and find its weak spots, if there are any. It shows how many http requests have been made to complete the download, if all of them were successful, the document size and load time.


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How to automatically pause Google Ads campaign when your site gets down?

With current advertisement pricing you probably wish to be sure about its efficiency. But in real life, even the most reliable web sites sometimes fail. So the question is: how not to lose money when it happens?

Let's check what are the pitfalls and how can we solve this problem with HostTracker website availability service.

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Why Your Website Needs Uptime Monitoring


In a digital world where we want everything right now, a website that is not available at the moment is a website we probably will not go back to in the future. That much should be obvious to everyone. If you are not careful, your website could be sending your visitors to your competitors. So how do you keep track of your website 24/7?

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Tracking for Projector-Camera Systems

When you're looking for a Tracking for Projector-Camera Systems, there are many factors to consider. In this comprehensive guide, we will break down the important features and specs so that you can make an informed purchase. Plus, we'll provide some tips on how to use your Tracking for Projector-Camera Systems once you've bought it!

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Integrating Slack with HostTracker: How to set up your account

Integration with Slack lets you receive alerts from HostTracker in your Slack channels.

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Monitoring of Video Cameras

Video cameras are gaining more and more applications every year. Besides the security issues, a lot of others, related to house and family care, entertainment, education etc are widely used nowadays.

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Database Monitoring with HostTracker

We’re happy to introduce our newest monitoring feature - Database Check – that is easy to use, crystal-clear to understand and designed to get you through your website ‘critical hours’ as smoothly as possible.

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Blacklisted again? Why does this keep happening to me?!

We’re happy to announce that this tool has just got even more awesome! Now you can use our DNSBL check tool as a one-time job or on a regular basis. It means you can keep your IP address in a continuous check against dozens of the most popular blacklists. 

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How to get alerts from HostTracker

In today’s high speed, high pressure and high-stress world it’s utterly important to keep up with things going on with your website. Being well-informed means being in the know of how speedily the monitoring service can contact you - as how will you save the world if you don’t know what’s happened in time?

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Domain Expiration Monitoring

HostTracker gives you a unique opportunity to take an ultimate control over your website and increase its performance to new levels. Our service features lots of different handy tools that will let you monitor your website activity constantly and be the very first to know when you need to take actions...

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Have you checked your website speed recently? If not, you should!

We’re happy to announce that we've finally released “Response time check” tool to diagnose poor website performance. Speed is one of the most important things in website workflow as it affects not only Google rankings but also your visitor conversions. Here in this article: Which components make up page load time?​ How to measure your website response time with HostTracker?

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SSL Certificate Monitoring

For those seeking a possibility to keep SSL certificates always up-to-date and have a constant watch over their expiry dates, there is a Certificate expiration function. Read more: How to activate a Certificate expiration function?


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Perhaps your IP-address is already blacklisted but you don’t even know ...

Anyone can be blacklisted – so what can you do? How can you detect such problem? Are there any protection mechanisms? This is what this article is about.

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Monitoring server performance with HostTracker

HostTracker offers numerous simple-yet-powerful instruments to keep your website running smoothly. That implies it delivers deep insight into server resource parameters such as CPU, RAM and HDD. Read on to find out more about “Monitor CPU, RAM, HDD” tool, and why you should adopt it.

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Why a low uptime may affect not only your revenue, but also your company's reputation?

While you may be spending more time and resources on developing your website, you need to be sure that the core of the website is still performing well. There is a strong correlation between uptime and visitor conversions. Are you still wondering why is website uptime so important? Then take a deeper dive into this...

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Put your website content in your control

HostTracker provides a full, digestible look at your website content. Our service will track any changes on your favorite webpages without a need to visit them frequently. In this article you'll get to know about:

- Why is it so important;
-​ Instrument Settings.

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Some secrets of content monitoring

HostTracker provides the best practice for monitoring both content changes and website availability. HostTracker’s tools allow you to check whether your webpage loads correctly and test it for errors as frequently as you’d like. Additionally, you'll know: Why do we need that? Service Settings; Content Check Methods.

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How to monitor availability of any web site?

The main feature of HostTracker monitoring service is the regular checks of web sites with monitoring intervals from 1 minute. Moreover, the HostTracker’s dedicated global monitoring checkpoints network currently includes more than 140 servers all over the world.

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Monitoring domain and SSL certificate expiry dates

How to activate the SSL certificate monitoring tool and domain monitoring settings?

Monitoring domain and SSL certificate expiry dates.

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Domains: do they have afterlife?

Every year, millions of domain names are lost. What happens after domain expires? How long will your domain wait for you before someone grabs it? And how to omit this?  

Monitor your domains for any changes. You can keep an eye on the state of available domains which you like, but don’t forget your own ones too. There is a wide variety of services, like HostTracker, which provide an easy, efficient way to track any changes of domain’s state.

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What could we check by using the cloud services? Part 2

  In the beginning, HostTracker company was founded on the basis of a simple website to provide free customer services. Though, a few years later, this startup developed a wide variety of tools serving to solve various problems, including different network issues. In a series of publications, we have decided to describe thoroughly all the features of our service, also to share our experience in the development of such projects with you and to mention interesting challenges that we faced. 

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Why do we need monitoring? The overview of the HostTracker service. Part 1

Why there is a need in monitoring? How the monitoring could help in the sites and servers development and testing? This review will answer to these questions and will also show how the simple desire to optimize your work may be transformed into a useful product for others, as well as, how not to lose the ‘startup spirit’ and always keep up with your clients.

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Uptime and website monitoring

Website monitoring is a process of supervision over the performance of the site. HostTracker is a powerful tool which serves that purpose.

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Snapshot - instrument for site supervision

How does the site look like when I’m not looking at it? What if it looks bad or does not work at all? HostTracker offers an instrument for site supervision - snapshot feature. Let’s take a look at its practical application.

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How to activate API for your Host-Tracker account

HostTracker API uses widespread XML and JSON formats. Interactions with API are made by HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH.

To activate API for your HostTracker account, one should write a request to [email protected], with the login specified.

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Escalations. Typical scenarios

As many people know, HostTracker is a sites efficiency monitoring system. One of its main functions is to notify the user of any problems promptly. The efficiency of the notifications and the acceptable level of “detalization” are important. If you send alerts at each “sneeze”, the person will not find the important information in this flow...

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HostTracker — Sites Monitoring Service

Every site owner knows how important it is to have your resource always operative and available for visitors. Periodical site unavailability has a bad influence even at its positions in the search engines (as Google representatives have repeatedly claimed), not to mention the fact that visitors are extremely displeased by such “accidents”...

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Shellshock vulnerability online check

Considering the recently discovered Shellshock vulnerability, HostTracker has created a tool for testing it.

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Host Tracker: Site drop notification for business only

No one person is capable of monitoring the performance of a site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Moreover, a resource may be unavailable in another region and there is no way for a manager to track this. And it is to solve these problems that the HostTracker service, which monitors the availability of the site, is designed to do just that. It detects site drops, analyses the problem and sends an alert to the administrator or resource management...

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Host-Tracker under Windows Azure

Those, who actively involved with the Web, should know HostTracker, a company from Ukraine, which has been supporting one of the leading global web monitoring services since 2004. Its goal is to monitor site health and accessibility in near-real-time access. Using alert message system, HostTracker allows to reduce downtimes, to improve quality of service for users, to quickly localize troubles...

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