Port check

Check the availability of a port on a server using the traceroute tool.

Check my ip


{{ stats.ok }}

Successful requests

{{ stats.failed }}

Unsuccessful requests

Location: {{ result.location }}

Provider: {{ result.provider }}

Status: {{ result.error || result.httpStatus }}

IP: {{ result.ip }}

DNS resolve time: {{ result.dnsTime }}ms

Connection time: {{ result.connectTime }}ms

TLS time: {{ result.tlsTime }}ms

Total time: {{ result.responseTime }}ms

{{ selectedCheck.location }}

DNS Time: {{ selectedCheck.dnsTime }} ms

Connect Time: {{ selectedCheck.connectTime }} ms

TLS handshake time: {{ selectedCheck.tlsTime }} ms

Response Time: {{ selectedCheck.responseTime }} ms

IP: {{ selectedCheck.ip }}

Provider:{{ selectedCheck.provider }}

Certificate Expiration: {{ selectedCheck.certExp }}

Cipher: {{ selectedCheck.cipher }}

DNS City: {{ selectedCheck.dnsCity }}

DNS Org: {{ selectedCheck.dnsOrg }}

DNS Server: {{ selectedCheck.dnsServ }}

Open Port Check Basics

Learn about the fundamental concept of ports and their role in ensuring network applications' accessibility and overall server availability.

Find out more

Effective Ways to Check if a Port is Open

Exploring methods, tools, and services for testing the open status of ports on servers.

Find out more

Importance of Checking Port Open Status

Highlighting the significance of checking open port status for security and system organization.

Find out more

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