Artem Prysyazhnuk
Is your site intact, do your customers see all the information you might want them to? There is a way to automatically check the content of the page, particular words, phrases or even more complicated entities. This helps to make sure that the website is not only available, but works exactly as planned.
Basic website check uses HTTP web protocol, which is actually used by anyweone browsing the web. This kind of check allows one to create a monitoring task, to check a website on a regular basis just as a human customer would do. Although the web nowadays is pretty complicated - and so possibly could be a monitoring task - general features are pretty simple to set up.
HostTracker gives you a unique opportunity to take an ultimate control over your website and increase its performance to new levels. Our service features lots of different handy tools that will let you monitor your website activity constantly and be the very first to know when you need to take actions...
No one person is capable of monitoring the performance of a site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Moreover, a resource may be unavailable in another region and there is no way for a manager to track this. And it is to solve these problems that the HostTracker service, which monitors the availability of the site, is designed to do just that. It detects site drops, analyses the problem and sends an alert to the administrator or resource management...