Basic Website Check

Published: Artem Prysyazhnuk 2022-08-08 all articles | Glossary | FAQ

Basic website check uses HTTP web protocol, which is actually used by anyweone browsing the web. This kind of check allows one to create a monitoring task, to check a website on a regular basis just as a human customer would do. Although the web nowadays is pretty complicated - and so possibly could be a monitoring task - general features are pretty simple to set up.

Basic website check uses HTTP web protocol, which is actually used by anyweone browsing the web. This kind of check allows one to create a monitoring task, to check a website on a regular basis just as a human customer would do. Although the web nowadays is pretty complicated - and so possibly could be a monitoring task - general features are pretty simple to set up.

Most basic features of a HTTP monitoring task look like this:

Monitoring type is HTTP/HTTPS (extra "S" stands for "secure", which is now used by most of the websites, but it's still the most basic web protorol for browsing).

URL/Domain/IP is the website's address. In the simplest way it's just "", but you can also check the specific page, or website's IP address. You can have many pages of the same site on monitoring simultaneously, but please note that you can not check the same page by several similar tasks, to avoid high pressure on the server.

Interval means how often you wish your site to be checked. More oftern - more precise statistics you'll have, and faster know if anything happen.

Timeout stands for how long does HostTracker waits of the page to be loaded. Usually one feels uncomfortable if a page loads for longer than few seconds, but different websites contain different types of media and other linked resources, so that's a bit individual. But if you are struggling against the website's low performance - this parameter could give you a hand to detect the lags.

Full log will write the statistics more precisely - every check result will be stored separately. The check log will look bulky though.

Open stats provides possibility to share the statistics and monitoring logs for this specific monitoring task with other people via link.

DNSBL feature will inform you if your website gets blacklisted in some spam or fraudulent list (sometimes that happen accidentally, or when a website is hacked).

Domain & Certificate expirations will track validity of these entities and inform you when they are about to expire, additionally to the service providers (letters from whom are often ignored or got into spam).

About author

Artem Prysyazhnuk
CEO and founder of HostTracker LTD. He's a passionate entrepreneur with a strong technical background in F#. Artem has been working in the software development industry for over 20 years.