How to automatically pause Google Ads campaign when your site gets down?

Published: 2019-09-12 all articles | Glossary | FAQ

With current advertisement pricing you probably wish to be sure about its efficiency. Therefore, when running campaing the one who orders it wants to know for sure that nothing will interrupt it.

But in real life, even the most reliable web sites sometimes fail. So the question is: how not to lose money when it happens?

Let's check what are the pitfalls and how can we solve this problem with HostTracker website availability service.

Should we trust Google?

Well, we know about the problem. What's next? Let's check what Google does in such case. Yes, it turns off the campaigns, or more precisely saying, advertisement, when the target page is unavailable.

However, there are two issues you need to know about which can significantly affect the play:

  • Campaign is paused only when a specific, limited number of errors appear. For instance, site returns HTTP 403 code (forbidden) or 404 (page not found).

  • Restart of the campaign is possible only manually, and only after moderation from Google's end, which takes some time.

So, many possible issues with the sites are not noticed by Google, and funds are being spent when they appear. And you should note that even a short disruption can mess up the campaing for several hours or even days! Just because the consequence of actions is required to renew: the problem needs to be spotted, resolved, a renewal request to Google generated, and wait until it is fulfilled.

What are the options?

We offer you a tool which automatically tests the site and notices if it is unavailable, response time is too high or a specific content has disappeared. If any of those is spotted, the campaign is instantly paused via API. And it is also instantly resumed once the problem is gone.

Setting things up is pretty easy: just enter your Google Ads credentials, and confirm access in your Google Ads interface.

The reason to develop this feature was the case of one of our customers. He lost hundreds of dollars for one night, just because the site was not working properly. There was a database error, and expected content was not shown. On the same time, Google did not treated that as a problem, and with no mercy took the funds. After that terrible night, he found HostTracker and subscribed for notifications, ready to be waken up at night to fix the issue if it occures again. But it's much more safe and convenient if everything is done on its own, isn't it? So we created a tool that handles the complete workflow in such cases. And we are still open to your experience and suggestions - tell us if you have an idea how to make our service solve your tasks.

Tags: guide